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ACHE of Georgia Webinar Submission Form
Instructions and Selection Process

  1. Complete the Webinar information form below and submit at least 8 weeks in advance of the proposed webinar date.
  2. The ACHE of Georgia webinar coordinator is Bruce Lloyd, who can be reached at 404-444-8136 or
  3. The form will be reviewed by the Webinar Subcommittee.
  4. If the webinar seems appropriate, webinar program applicants will be asked to make a brief presentation to the Webinar Subcommittee.
  5. If the proposed webinar is approved, applicants will be given the choice of three dates and times.
  6. ACHE of Georgia webinars are typically one hour long – five minutes for introductions, 45 minutes for content, and 10 minutes for Q&A.
  7. The webinar will be posted on the ACHE of Georgia website and marketed to ACHE of Georgia members and possibly other ACHE chapters.
  8. The deadline for sending handouts and slides to the webinar coordinator is one week prior to the event.

  • Please enter presenters' names, titles, and organizations below:
  • Please list at least four key learning objectives below: